Sport acts like a fountain of youth
A fit 60-year-old can feel more vital and energetic than an unfit 25-year-old. It sounds unbelievable, but it has been confirmed in numerous studies. The reasons: Regular physical activity builds up muscles that are important for an upright posture. It boosts the metabolism, prevents illnesses such as diabetes, helps you lose weight, is good for the heart and the blood vessels and makes you feel happy. In brief: Sport acts like a fountain of youth.
It doesn't have to be rugby
Admittedly, as we age, the number of our minor ailments increases and extreme sports such as parachute jumping or rugby are only recommended for exceptionally fit older people. But irrespective of joint complaints, heart problems or diabetes – there is a wide choice of suitable sports available for the average pensioner. Our top tips are Nordic Walking, water sport, cycling, dancing and strength training.
What do you need to consider?
Sport is good for you and improves your health and well-being. That doesn’t just apply when you’re young, but especially when the bones are getting a little stiff and the muscles are no longer so strong.
What’s important: Talk to your GP beforehand. He/she can give you valuable training tips or recommend an aid to make your training easier. Supports or orthoses stabilise weak joints, thus preventing one-sided stress. Modern varieties can actually influence bodily perception, increasing responsiveness and reducing the injury risk.
For those with weak connective tissue, venous disorders or obesity, compression hosiery can bring considerable relief. It improves venous return to the heart and prevents the blood from pooling in the legs. Specialist retailers now supply special sports compression hosiery for almost every sport. It doesn’t just look chic, it can also improve performance and shorten the regeneration phase after training.
Whatever sport you decide on, don’t overdo it. Because: Sport should be fun – at any age.
Diagnosis & treatment
Product tip
The human body
Your doctor makes the diagnosis and decides on the therapy. If necessary, your doctor can prescribe wound therapy products. The patient is advised by trained personnel (e.g. in a medical supply store, pharmacy, wound centre). After this, the patient receives products that are customised to meet their individual needs.