How are patients correctly measured for lipomed?
The details given by the doctor must be borne in mind when measuring the postoperative circumferences. If there are no medical details, the circumferences in the region of the planned liposuction are measured as follows: a strong measuring tape is pulled tight until it "cuts" into the fatty tissue to be removed.
Below bust (cNn)
For this measurement, the circumference of the trunk is measured about 1 to 3 cm below the root of the breast.
Waist (cM)
This measurement is taken horizontally around the narrowest point above the hip bones.
Hip (cL)
The circumference of the hips is measured horizontally around the hip bones, the pubic bone and the bottom.
Thigh (cG)
The circumference of the thigh is measured about 5 cm below the inguinal fold. Each leg must be measured individually. If the measurements for the right and left thighs differ by more than 2 cm, the readings for both measurements must be given.
Mid-thigh (cF)
The f measurement is taken in the middle of the thigh between the kneecap and the inguinal fold. Each leg must be measured individually. If the measurements for the right and left thighs differ by more than 2 cm, the readings for both measurements must be given.
Below knee (cD)
The below knee circumference is measured about 5 cm below the kneecap Each leg must be measured individually. If the measurements for the right and left legs differ by more than 2 cm, the readings for both measurements must be given.
Ankle (cB)
The ankle circumference is measured at the narrowest point of the leg above the ankle. Each leg must be measured individually. If the measurements for the right and left legs differ by more than 2 cm, the readings for both measurements must be given.
The lengths are given as capital letters (e.g. D-N)
Leg length
The leg length is needed for models B-M (waist to ankle) and B-N (below bust to ankle) and for all made to measure garments. This measurement is taken along the inside of the leg. The measurement is taken from the middle of the inguinal fold at the front down to the desired leg length. Only the strictly defined points thigh (G), mid thigh (F), below knee (D) and ankle (B) can be given as the leg length.
Length of the abdomen (length of the trunk)
The length of the abdomen must also be given for made to measure garments. The length of the abdomen is measured over the front of the abdomen. This defines the length between the middle of the inguinal fold at the front and the desired height. Only the strictly defined points waist (M) and below bust (N) can be given as the length of the abdomen.
Products for compression therapy after cosmetic operations
Click here for more information about products for compression treatment after plastic and cosmetic surgery.
Diagnosis & treatment
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Healthy life
Health personnel will make the diagnosis and can prescribe medical aids, e.g. from medi if necessary.
Your medical retailer will fit them individually for you.