When are the lipomed products used?
lipomed bra
lipomed bra is a multifunctional compression bra with a design similar to sport bras. It is used both after breast reduction and after breast augmentation.
What are the special features of the lipomed bra?
- the hook and eye tape for easy fastening together with the zip at the front guarantee circular compression and reduce the tendency for the material to roll over.
- because all the seams are on the outside, grooves cannot form in the tissues.
- the self forming cups (cup size B – C) do not need an extra underwire, so they reliably prevent any grooves forming in the fold below the bust.
- the desired compression pressure can be adjusted quickly and simply using the hook and eye tape in the strap.
- the lipomed bra's wide straps make it very comfortable to wear. The hook and eye tape does not protrude, so it can be worn inconspicuously under clothing.
- pressure reinforcement zones in the wings give additional support and mould the lower outer part of the breast.
lipomed belt
lipomed belt was developed in combination with lipomed bra for use after breast augmentation. The job of lipomed belt is to stop the implants from "wandering upwards".
lipomed shirt
lipomed shirt man and woman is used for compression after liposuction of the chest, abdomen, shoulders and arms. lipomed shirt woman has a special construction feature to minimise the compression over the female breast. lipomed shirt is manufactured exclusively in black and as a made to measure model.
lipomed basic, lipomed blackline and lipomed skinline
lipomed compression garments are used after liposuction and abdominoplasty. lipomed basic is particularly suitable for compression care after less extensive surgical procedures and/or can be used following acute care with lipomed blackline or lipomed skinline.
Click here for more information about compression treatment after plastic and cosmetic surgery.