Why is wearing medical compression stockings useful during pregnancy?
During pregnancy, the body changes. This also affects the veins in the legs. Many factors are involved: the changed hormonal balance, decreasing mobility as well as the increase in weight and blood volume. Problems such as swollen legs, spider veins as well as varicose veins can occur. The different blood composition can also have an effect on blood clotting.
Medical compression stockings from medi alleviate such symptoms. They support women during and after pregnancy. They can also reduce the risk of thrombosis during pregnancy.
There are knee and thigh stockings as well as tights with a special waist or panty section for pregnant women.
Do medical compression stockings and tights help with nausea and dizziness in pregnancy?
At the beginning of pregnancy in particular, 50 to 80 percent of all women suffer from nausea and vomiting. Studies have shown that medical compression has positive effects on typical pregnancy symptoms and significantly reduces dizziness, nausea and vomiting. Medical compression therapy is guideline-based, effective and safe – it is recommended by leading doctors during pregnancy. Find more in-depth medical specialised information on pregnancy symptoms here.
How long and how often should I wear my medical compression during pregnancy?
The risk of thrombosis is four to five times higher during pregnancy and the post-partum period.. Pregnant women should wear their medical compression stockings every day during this time – from morning until bedtime – to effectively counteract the development of thrombosis. At night, the compression stockings should be taken off. It can also be useful to wear medical compression stockings after pregnancy. Consult your doctor. Learn more about how long to wear MCS here.
Should I continue to wear medical compression stockings during pregnancy in summer?
As heat causes the vessels to dilate, pregnant women should wear their medical compression stockings constantly, especially in summer – for lighter legs in the evening. Here’s some more information about compression in summer.
Our tip: medi fresh as a refreshing boost on hot days.
Which medical compression stockings are suitable for pregnancy?
Your doctor should always decide whether or not to prescribe medical compression stockings (MCS) during your pregnancy. When choosing stockings, you should also consider the condition of your connective tissue and your tendency to accumulate water (oedema). A specialist in a medical store will advise you accordingly. Your individual body measurements will be taken to ensure that your MCS are the right size and fit for you – you can even match the colour to your wardrobe.
Our tip: there are also tights with a special waist section for pregnant women. A growing waist section does not constrict you and can be worn up to the ninth month of pregnancy.

How can I put on medical compression stockings during pregnancy?
During pregnancy, it is particularly difficult to put on medical compression stockings (MCS) because of physical changes – but that should not stop you from wearing them consistently. Ask your medical supply store to show you the best way to put on your medical compression stockings. You can also use donning and doffing aids. You can see how to do this in our videos.
Our tip: A donning aid can make it easier to put on. If medically necessary due to limited mobility during pregnancy, a donning aid can be prescribed by your doctor. As a pregnant woman, you are exempt from the co-payment (“prescription fee”).
How do I get medical compression stockings for pregnancy and how much do they cost?
Medical compression stockings (MCS) for pregnancy and, if necessary, a donning aid can be prescribed by a doctor (general practitioner or gynaecologist) if indicated. They are available as medical aids in medical supply stores – you can redeem your prescription there or buy MCS without a prescription.
Your health insurance company will pay a large part of the total cost of a medical aid, the reimbursement price. Users usually pay a smaller part themselves – for you as a pregnant woman, this co-payment (“prescription fee”) is waived if the symptoms are due to your pregnancy. Find out here what you need to know when buying compression stockings.
Can I fly while pregnant with medical compression stockings?
Flying during pregnancy is usually possible. Please note the following: flying during certain stages of pregnancy is often not recommended, because of the additional stress on your changing body. Before you book and take a trip, you should always check with your doctor whether flying poses any risks to your pregnancy. To prevent travel thrombosis, your doctor can recommend and, if necessary, prescribe medical compression stockings for travel.
Our tip: before you book a flight, check the conditions of carriage of your airline – there is no uniform regulation regarding up to which week of pregnancy you are allowed to fly.