medi Butler: Different types of donning aids
Watch the video to see how the medi Butler helps you don your compression fitting. As well as the medi Export Butler and the medi Vario-Handle Butler there is also a version for large leg circumferences (medi Big Butler), a Butler with two stirrups for pantyhose (medi Pantyhose Butler), the medi Hospitalbutler for family carers or nursing staff and the medi Arm Butler for arm sleeves.
Please also pay attention to the general notes for donning compression stockings.
Instruction video: Donning compression stockings with the medi Butler
Watch the video to see how donning compression stockings with the medi Butler is significantly easier.
medi Butler: Step by step instructions
1. Place the compression stocking in the stirrup. The toe of the stocking should face forwards. Turn the upper edge of the stocking outwards over the frame.
2. Slide the stocking over the stirrup until the toe appears over the edge of the stirrup.
3. Now place the medi Butler on the floor. Slip your foot, toes first, into the toe of the stocking.
4. Now put your foot into the rigid stand. Check that the toe and the heel are sitting correctly.
5. By pulling and releasing in succession on both handles, you can slide the stocking up towards your knee.
6. When the stocking is just below the knee, tilt the medi Butler slightly backwards and put it to one side.
7. To finish, smooth the compression stocking upwards evenly. Make sure that you ease the stocking up bit by bit without gathering it up or pulling on the top.
Putting on and taking off medical compression stockings is much easier with donning and doffing aids.
All medi donning aids at a glance.
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Caring for compression hosiery
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Clever little helpers
How to look after compression stockings correctly?