Taking measurements for compression garments – almost contactless

Annegret Pommer from the Kompetenzzentrum Papenburg (competence centre Papenburg) reports on her experiences with the digital tool medi vision

Annegret Pommer of Kompetenzzentrum Papenburg reports on her experiences with the digital tool medi vision

"medi vision – a benefit for patients and medical supply stores!"

Standing instead of lying down - contactless via tablet instead of up close with a measuring tape and measuring form: the digital tool medi vision for taking measurements offers many advantages for patients and specialist retailers. medi vision maps the entire process, from taking measurements to ordering the right compression garment, simply and transparently. The Kompetenzzentrum Kramer (competence centre Kramer) in Papenburg has been using medi vision quite a while and measures up to 20 round knit garments every day with the digital tool. Annegret Pommer talks about her experiences with medi vision in an interview.

Ms Pommer, why did you opt for digital measurement with medi vision at the Kompetenzzentrum Kramer (competence centre Kramer) in Papenburg?

„We didn't yet have the option of almost contactless measuring in the region. When we heard about the medi vision digital tool, it was clear to us that we wanted to test it! The possibility of using medi vision to take almost contactless measurements for other products, for example from the flat knit range, also convinced us.“

How quickly were you able to handle it?

„That happened very quickly - even with colleagues who are not so tech-savvy. Of course, it always depended on who was allowed to take measurements and therefore had the most practice. In the beginning, we measured each other several times to get into the routine before we swapped the measuring tape and measuring form for medi vision for our customers too.“

How is medi vision received by your customers?

„Very good! Our customers were interested right from the start because we hardly had to touch them when taking their measurements. Especially during the coronavirus situation, the almost contactless option became even more important. One particularly positive aspect: instead of lying down on the table, our customers can stand, which is a huge advantage, especially for those with back problems, and is perceived as very comfortable. It's also very easy: the floor markings mean they know how to position themselves straight away.“

What positive effects can be achieved with medi vision for medical supplier?

„We also benefit from medi vision afterwards, as the values are entered directly into the system digitally. This reduces queries when ordering and ensures faster delivery times.“

Do you also use medi vision outside the medical supply store?

„Yes, we used medi vision to take the measurements of 20 patients in a retirement home almost contactlessly. We were so impressed that we are planning to expand its use outside the medical supply store in the future.“

The medi e-shop also provides support with medi compression products. Do you use it during your consultation?

„Very much so! Customers can look at topbands, colours or accessories, such as the crystal motifs, directly. This makes it easier for them to decide what they like and what suits them. The e-shop is also advantageous for us specialist retailers, as we can immediately see which colours are currently available. This helps us immensely when giving advice!“

Dear Mrs Pommer, thank you very much for your impressions and the friendly conversation!