What is thrombosis?
The term "thrombosis" comes from the Greek and means "blood clotting". In a thrombosis, a blood clot (= thrombus) attaches to the inside of the vessel wall. This can lead to partial or complete closure of the vessel, for example in a deep leg vein. See a doctor immediately if you notice any of the following symptoms: Pain, swelling and tightness in the leg as well as red-bluish discolouration of the skin are all signs of possible deep vein thrombosis.

Thrombosis in the leg – risk factors and therapy
Generally speaking, the risk of developing leg vein thrombosis increases with, for example, increasing age, in smokers, in overweight and immobile persons, as well as after surgery, in pregnancy and in the puerperium. If you experience any of the mentioned symptoms, contact a doctor as soon as possible. Deep vein thrombosis requires medical attention. But how can you recognise leg vein thrombosis and what therapeutic measures do you take to treat it?
What to do in the case of leg vein thrombosis?Be cautious: risk factors for thrombosis

Ways to prevent thrombosis
Do you travel and sit a lot? Are you pregnant? If so, you are at increased risk of thrombosis. There are various ways of preventing thrombosis, for example with travel stockings or medical compression stockings. Find out what you can do to reduce your risk of thrombosis. Certain measures and medications for thrombosis prophylaxis in hospitals are also available for immobile patients.
More about preventing thrombosisExperiences with thrombosis: Patients tell their stories

Medical compression stockings
Depending on the risk factor and the patient’s individual needs (or the needs of people with healthy veins), medi offers various options for thrombosis prevention and follow-up treatment with compression stockings: when travelling, in hospitals, for vascular patients and for pregnant women. Find out here.
Medical compression stockingsQuestions and answers on the subject of thrombosis – information on possible complications
1 40.000 Lungenembolie-Tote im Jahr: BVMed weist auf die Bedeutung der mechanischen Thrombosevorsorge hin. Published online: https://www.bvmed.de (Last accessed 06.05.2022).