What is biofeedback?
Biofeedback comes from behavioural medicine: Physical signals become consciously perceptible using biofeedback methods. Biofeedback uses the possibilities provided by physiological processes to make a certain bodily function, which normally takes place at an unconscious level (e.g. pulse, brainwaves), directly accessible to the patient’s consciousness. This way, patients can learn to use them for their own benefit.
In osteoporosis therapy, patients benefit from biofeedback procedures when they use Spinomed back orthoses: if the user gets into an incorrect posture, the orthosis reminds them to right themselves again using the strength of their own muscles. This also allows the patient to train their core muscles as a side effect.
What is the effect of biofeedback on osteoporosis therapy?
Spinomed back The osteoporosis specialist Professor Dr Helmut W. Minne and medi have jointly developed the Spinomed and Spinomed active orthoses. The elastic materials of the Spinomed back orthoses together with the back splint exert noticeable pulling forces on the pelvic and shoulder area.
Studies demonstrate the effect of Spinomed back orthoses
The spine-straightening Spinomed back orthoses strengthen the muscles on the basis of the biofeedback principle. They can also relieve pain. The tendency to sway and the risk of falling can be reduced – so reducing the risk of subsequent fractures. The effect of Spinomed* and Spinomed active** has been confirmed in two clinical studies.1, 2
The results:
- The back muscles were strengthened by up to 73 percent and the stomach muscles by up to 58 percent.
- The kyphosis angle (curvature angle/forward body tilt) is reduced by up to 11 percent.
- Pain is alleviated by up to 47 percent.
- Daily restrictions are reduced by up to 54 percent.
- General physical health is increased by up to 18 percent.
- Spinomed back orthoses help to reduce the risk of falling and therefore the risk of further fractures, as they reduce bodily swaying by up to 25 percent.
The Osteology Umbrella Organisation (DVO) refers to the scientifically proven efficiency and identical mode of action of Spinomed and Spinomed active in its therapy guideline.3
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Diagnosis & treatment
1 Pfeifer M et al. Die Wirkungen einer neu entwickelten Rückenorthese auf Körperhaltung, Rumpfmuskelkraft und Lebensqualität bei Frauen mit postmenopausaler Osteoporose. Eine randomisierte Studie. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2004;83(3):177-186.
2 Pfeifer M et al. Die Wirkungen von zwei neu entwickelten Rückenorthesen auf Rumpfmuskelkraft, Körperhaltung und Lebensqualität bei Frauen mit postmenopausaler Osteoporose. Eine randomisierte Studie. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2011;90(5):805-815.
3 DVO. Prophylaxe, Diagnostik und Therapie der Osteoporose bei postmenopausalen Frauen und bei Männern. 2017; S. 196-200. Published online at: www.dv-osteologie.org/dvo_leitlinien/dvo-leitlinie-2017 (last accessed 26.06.2018).