Back pain: these exercises strengthen your back
Strong muscles around the spine protect it from wear and tear, muscle tension and pain. The following exercises for the back are a training concept that can easily be done at home. The program consists of strengthening and stretching exercises and should be carried out two to three times a week. Seek medical advice as to whether the exercises are suitable for you.
Get to the right exercises quickly:
Note: When exercising with an elastic band, you can vary the resistance over the length.
Exercises for the upper back
Strengthening exercises
Neck stretching with physioband
Aim: Strengthening the neck muscles
Starting position: Sit upright on a chair with your thighs and lower legs at a 90° angle. Tilt your upper body forwards with a straight back and support yourself with both elbows on your thighs. Your upper and lower arms should form a 90° angle.
- Stretch a physioband around the back of your head above your ears and hold both ends firmly with your left and right hand.
- Stretch your head upwards with small movements against the pull of the training band.
- Keep your head and neck straight. Make sure your back is straight.
2 sets x 10 - 15 repetitions; 30 seconds break between sets
Plase note:
- Keep your back straight.
- Keep your head and neck straight.
- Perform small movements.
- Select the resistance so that you can easily complete 10 - 15 repetitions.
Rowing with physioband
Aim: Strengthening the upper back and rear shoulder muscles
Starting position: Hang a physioband on a door handle or a sturdy wall hook at shoulder height. Grasp both ends of the physioband with both hands at shoulder height and sit upright on a chair.
- With your arms bent, pull your elbows back horizontally.
- The arms and the band move in a line and the shoulder blades towards each other.
- Also make sure your back is straight.
2 sets x 10 - 15 repetitions; 30 seconds break between sets
Latissimus pull with physioband
Aim: Strengthening the back muscles
Starting position: Hang a physioband on a door handle or a sturdy wall hook at shoulder height. Grasp both ends of the physioband with outstretched arms and sit upright on a chair.
- Pull the physioband towards your hips with both hands.
- Bring your elbows close to your body.
2 sets x 10 - 15 repetitions; 30 seconds break between sets
Stretching exercises
Neck stretching
Aim: Exercise to stretch the neck muscles
Starting position: Stand with your feet hip-width apart on a firm surface and bend your legs slightly. Reach back over your head with both hands and fold your hands at the back of your head. Your elbows should be pointing forwards.
- Slowly push your head forward with both hands until you feel a stretch in your neck.
- Make sure your back is straight.
1 x, hold for 10 - 15 seconds each time
Stretching the lateral neck muscles
Aim: Stretching the lateral neck muscles
Starting position: Stand with your feet hip-width apart on a firm surface. Your legs should be slightly bent. Reach one hand over your head to the opposite side above your ear.
- Pull your head to the side of the resting arm with light pressure until you feel a stretch in the neck area.
- You can increase the stretch by pushing the opposite arm towards the floor.
- Make sure your back is straight.
1 x on each side, hold for 10 - 15 seconds
Lateral trunk stretching
Aim: Stretching the lateral trunk muscles
Starting position: Stand hip-width apart in front of a closed door. Your legs should be slightly bent. Grasp the door handle with one hand and place the other hand on your thigh.
- Bend your knees, push your buttocks backwards and tilt your upper body forwards with a straight back.
- Your arm remains straight and forms a straight line with your head and back.
- Turn your pelvis to the open side and your upper body in the opposite direction.
- Make sure your back is straight.
1 x on each side, hold for 10 - 15 seconds
Hunchback when sitting
Aim: Stretching the upper back and shoulder muscles
Starting position: Sit up straight on a chair at arm's length in front of a closed door. Grasp the door handle with one hand and hold the forearm of the outstretched arm with the other hand.
- Push your shoulder blades and upper back backwards and arch your back slightly.
- The head is relaxed.
1 x on each side, hold for 10 - 15 seconds
Exercises for the lower back
Strengthening exercises
Torso stretches with physioband
Aim: Strengthening the lower back muscles
Starting position: Stand with both legs hip-width apart on the center of a physioband. Your knees should be slightly bent. Grasp both ends of the physioband with outstretched arms and bend your upper body forward with a straight back.
- Pull the physioband upwards with both arms at the same time.
- Straighten your upper body with a straight back.
2 sets x 10 - 15 repetitions; 30 seconds break between sets
Leg extension in quadruped position with physioband
Aim: Strengthening the gluteal muscles
Starting position: Get into a quadruped position. Place your forearms shoulder-width apart and your knees hip-width apart. Make sure you have a straight line from hip to shoulder, with your head in line with your upper body. Slip one leg into the middle of the physioband and grasp the ends with both hands.
- Stretch your leg backwards and upwards so that your leg, back and head form a line.
- Then slowly move the leg back to the starting position.
2 sets x 10 - 15 repetitions per leg; 30 second break between sets
Lateral straightening with physioband
Aim: Strengthening the lateral trunk muscles
Starting position: Stand hip-width apart on a firm surface with your legs slightly bent. Stand with one leg in the middle of the physioband and grasp both ends with the hand on the same side. Tilt your upper body towards this side with your back straight and stretch the band.
- Pull the physioband upwards with an outstretched arm.
- At the same time, straighten your upper body and tilt it to the opposite side.
2 sets x 10 - 15 repetitions; 30 seconds break between sets
Aim: Strengthening the upper abdominal muscles
Starting position: Lie on your back on a flat surface and place both feet hip-width apart. Your knees should be bent at an angle of approx. 90°. Place your elbows at the side of your body and your hands on your chest.
- Press your lower back into the floor.
- Move your head, shoulders and chest upwards at the same time and lower your upper body back down.
2 sets x 10 - 15 repetitions; 30 seconds break between sets
Leg lift in supine position
Aim: Strengthening the lower abdominal muscles and hip flexors
Starting position: Lie on your back on a flat surface and place both feet hip-width apart. Your knees should be bent at a 90° angle. Place your arms at the side of your body.
- Press your lower back against the floor.
- Lift both legs off the floor at the same time until there is a 90° angle between your upper body and thighs.
- Hold the position briefly and slowly lower your legs again.
2 sets x 10 - 15 repetitions; 30 seconds break between sets
Stretching exercises
Hip tilt
Aim: Stretching the adductors
Starting position: Stand with your feet hip-width apart on a firm surface. Your legs are slightly bent. Cross both arms in front of your body at shoulder height.
- Push your pelvis forward until you feel a stretch in your groin area.
- The legs and upper body do not move.
- You can increase the stretch by turning your pelvis slightly to the left or right.
1 x, hold for 10 - 15 seconds each time
Seated trunk bend
Aim: Stretching the lower back muscles
Starting position: Sit on a firm surface with your legs straight. Place both hands on your knees and keep your upper body straight.
- Tilt your upper body straight forward and slide your hands on your legs towards the tips of your feet.
- Perform the movement until you feel a stretch in your lower back.
1 x, hold for 10 - 15 seconds each time
Torso rotation
Aim: Stretching the lower and lateral back and gluteal muscles
Starting position: Lie on your back on a firm surface. Stretch out your right leg and place the foot of your left leg at the level of your right knee. Place your right hand on the outside of your left thigh and stretch your left arm out to the side.
- Move the bent leg to the opposite side by applying light pressure with your hand.
- At the same time, turn your head in the opposite direction.
- The outstretched arm remains on the floor.
1 x on each side, hold for 10 - 15 seconds
Stretching the buttocks
Aim: Stretching the gluteal muscles
Starting position: Lie on your back on a firm surface and place your arms at the side of your body. Stand on one leg. Lift the other leg into the air and place the outer ankle on the thigh of the other leg.
- Press your lower back against the floor.
- Grasp the raised leg with both hands below the kneecap.
- Pull the leg towards your upper body until you feel a stretch in your buttocks.
1 x on each side, hold for 10 - 15 seconds
Tip: Download the brochure on back health with all the exercises now, so you can do the strengthening and stretching exercises at any time, even without an internet connection.