Medical compression stocking medi Rehab® one*: supports the healing process after Achilles tendon rupture
Tim Jansen is a freelance sales representative working in orthopaedics sales at medi. He ruptured the Achilles tendon in his right foot in October 2022. Shortly after the operation, he was prescribed the Rehab one medical compression stocking from medi. In this interview, the 39-year-old talks about how the aid helped him with his rehabilitation.
Mr Jansen, you ruptured the Achilles tendon in your right foot almost a year ago. How did the injury occur?
"I was careless and didn't warm up before playing football. After five minutes paying in goal, I made a quick movement forwards and heard this crack, like a whip, and I couldn't move any more. I realised straight away that my Achilles tendon was torn. The next morning, I underwent surgery at Heinsberg Hospital. The surgeon stitched the ends of the tendon back together."
Left: swollen foot after Achilles tendon surgery
Right: foot after Achilles tendon surgery and wearing the Rehab one* medical compression stocking
Note: The picture on the right was taken six days after the picture on the left.
What was the aftercare like?
"In hospital, my right leg was permanently elevated in a drop position and cooled. I was discharged after three days and given a special shoe, a lower leg foot orthosis. For the first three weeks, my foot was set in a 30-degree plantar flexion (the term for the movement of the ankle joint towards the sole of the foot), and this was gradually reduced in the following weeks. I was not allowed to put any weight on the injured leg for the first few weeks. After about three weeks, I was able to partially weight-bear. The orthosis also kept my foot in a stable drop foot position so that my recovering Achilles tendon was not under tension. I wore the lower leg foot orthosis for eight weeks."
Medical compression stockings Rehab® one*: "a real relief"
Did you wear the medi Rehab one* medical compression stocking as soon as you were discharged?
"Not until a week after the operation. My entire foot and ankle were very swollen and painful – so on the advice of my physiotherapist and doctor, I wore the medical compression stocking and took painkillers if necessary. At first, I had reservations about using the medical compression stocking because of the drop foot position, as I was afraid of putting the tendon under tension when putting it on or taking it off. However, my worries were unfounded. The medi Rehab one* was a real relief for me, as the external compressive pressure on the tissue reduced my oedema. I saw a noticeable improvement within a few days and the pain was barely noticeable. The medical compression stocking was also easy to put on and take off and pleasant to wear."
Did you try any other treatment options?
"It was important that I got back on my feet quickly and was able to put my full weight on my Achilles tendon. My physiotherapist was instrumental in this. At the beginning, he mainly carried out decongestant measures such as manual lymphatic drainage or strokes over the calf. We started with decongestive measures such as manual lymphatic drainage and massaging the calf. He then introduced light exercises that gently mobilised my shortened calf muscle and ankle and improved the strength in my foot. After about six weeks, in order to strengthen the calf muscles, we tried pushing up onto my toes and then intensified this with a one-legged toe stand. This also improved my balance, proprioception and coordination."
How long have you worn the medi Rehab® one*?
"Six months in total: three months on a regular basis from morning to evening and a further three months as needed, for example when I had to stand for a long time or was driving long distances for my job."
Is the injury now, a year later, completely healed?
"It's healed, yes, but I'm still aware of the injured area, especially during sudden right-left movements. I therefore avoid sports such as tennis, where sudden, fast movements could strain my Achilles tendon. Instead, I jog, go for longer walks or do strength training in the gym - and am gradually increasing my workload. It's essential that I always warm up properly beforehand. The injury has taught me to listen to my body better and to do regular, moderate exercise rather than infrequent, intense exercise!"
Thank you very much for the interview, Mr Jansen!
Product tip
Diagnosis & treatment
The human body
Show remarks:
* Intended purposes:
medi Rehab® one is a round-knit medical compression stocking for compressive care of the lower limbs, mainly for prevention and treatment of postoperative and post-traumatic oedema and general swelling.
protect.CAT Walker is a lower-leg foot brace for immobilisation in a specified position.